Erez, A., Bamberger, P., Foulk T., Cooper, B., Riskin, A., Schilpzand, P. and Vashdi, D. R. (2024)
"Insult and Injury: Effects of rudeness on collaborative processes and performance in teams."
Journal of Applied Psychology
Vashdi D. R., Chen, J., Bamberger, P. A. & Fan. Q. (2024).
Supportive but Exhausting: A Dual-path Model of Team Interdependence and Member Well-being.”
Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-19
Unger-Aviram, E., Katz-Navon, T. and Vashdi, D. R. (2022)
"Advancing influence tactics to the team level: The case of self-managed teams."
Team Performance Management.
Vashdi, D. R., Katz-Navon, T. and Delegach, M. (2021)
"Service Priority Climate and Service Performance among Hospitality Employees: The Role of Emotional Labor and Workload Pressure"
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
Liu, Y., Vashdi, D. R., Cross, T., Bamberger, P. and Erez, A. (2020)
"Exploring the Puzzle of Civility: Whether and When Team Civil Communication Influences Team Members’ Role Performance"
Human Relations, 73(2), 215-241.
Vashdi D.R., Levitatz, Z. and Grimland S (2019)
"Which Transformational Leadership Behaviors Relate to Organizational Learning Processes?"
The Learning Organization, Vol. 26 Issue: 2, pp.176-189.
Uster, A., Vashdi D. and Beeri, I. (2018)
"From organizational leadership to lead-organizations - the future of leadership in inter-organizational networks"
Special issue of Journal of Leadership studies, 12(4), 79-81.
Chen, J., Bamberger, P. A., Song, Y. & Vashdi, D. R. (2018)
"The Effects of Team Reflexivity on Psychological Well-Being in Manufacturing Teams"
Journal of Applied Psychology,103(4), 443-462.
Kark R., Van Dijk, D. & Vashdi, D. R. (2018)
"Motivated or Demotivated to Be Creative: The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus in Transformational and Transactional Leadership Processes"
Applied Psychology: An International Review, Volume 67(1), 186–224.
Reuveni, Y., and Vashdi, D. R. (2015)
" Innovation in multidisciplinary teams: The moderating role of transformational leadership in the relationship between professional heterogeneity and shared mental models."
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 5, 678–692.
Vashdi, D. R. (2013)
"Teams in Public Administration: A field study of team feedback and effectiveness in the Israeli public healthcare system."
International Public Management Journal, 16(2), 275-306.
Vashdi, D. R., Erez, M., and Bamberger P. A. (2013)
"Can Surgical Teams Ever Learn? Towards a Theory of Transitive Team Learning in Action Teams."
Academy of Management Journal. 56(4), 945-971.
Was Finalist for the 2013 Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Award.
Cohen, A., Ben Tura, A. and Vashdi D. R. (2012)
"The relationship between social exchange variables, OCB, and performance: What happens when you consider group characteristics"
Personnel Review, 41(6), 705-731.
Team learning and team mental models