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Birman, N., Vashdi, D. R., Miller-Mor-Atias, R., Riskin A., Zangen S., LImanovitz I. & Sagi, D. (2024)

"Unveiling the paradoxes of implementing Post Graduate Competency Based Medical Education Programs."

Medical Teacher

Uster#, A., Beeri, I. and Vashdi, D. R. (2024)

"Effective Co-Production in Local Government Networks: A story of Structure."

International Public Management Journal, 1-24.

Uster, A., Vashdi, D. R. and Beeri, I. (2022)

"Enhancing the Functioning of Local Purpose-Oriented Networks Through Citizens’ Co-Production"

International Public Management Journal, 52(3), 343-364

Uster, A., Vashdi, D. R. and Beeri, I. (2022)

"Citizens as co-producers and the brokers' role in local governance networks effectiveness"

The American Review of Public Administration 52(4), 298-316.

Dryzin, Y., Vashdi, D, & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2022)

"The publicness enigma: Can perceived publicness predict employees’ formal and prosocial behavior across sectors?"


Goren, T., Vashdi, D. R., & Beeri, I. (2021)

"Apples and Oranges:” Examining Different Social Groups’ Compliance With Government Health Instructions During the COVID-19 Pandemic"

International Journal of Health Policy and Management.                   

Levi, R., Vashdi D. R. and Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2020)

"Retirement and the sectors: Do private and public personnel differ in their retirement decision?"

Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(4), 691-716.

Levitats, Z., Vigoda‐Gadot, E., & Vashdi, D. R. (2019)

"Engage Them through Emotions: Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Public Sector Engagement."

Public Administration Review, 79(6), 841-852.

Uster, A., Beeri, I. and Vashdi, D. (2019)

"Don’t Push Too Hard: Examining Local Government Managerial Behaviors in Collaborative Networks with Non-profit Organizations." 

Local Government Studies, 45(1), 124-145.

Isaak, V., Vashdi, D. and Steiner‑Lavi, O. (2018)

"The long-term effects of a prevention program on the number of critical incidents and sick leave days." 

International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12:71, 5 pages .

Isaak, V., Vashdi, D. R., Bar-Noy, D., Kostisky, H., Hirschmann, S. and Grinshpoon, A. (2016)

"Enhancing the Safety Climate and Reducing Violence against Staff in Closed Hospital Wards."

Workplace Health and Safety, 65(9): 409-416. 

Vashdi, D. R.  (2013)

"Teams in Public Administration: A field study of team feedback and effectiveness in the Israeli public healthcare system." 

International Public Management Journal, 16(2), 275-306.

Vashdi, D. R., Vigoda-Gadot E. and Shlomi, D. (2013)

"Assessing Performance: The Impact of Organizational Climates And Politics on Public Schools’ Performance." 

Public Administration, 91 (1), 135-138.
Won Best Journal Article of the Public and Non-Profit Division in The Academy of Management Annual meeting 2013. 

Vigoda-Gadot, E., Vashdi D. R. and Shoham, A.  (2009)

"Bridging Bureaucracy and Democracy in Europe: A Comparative Study of Perceived Managerial Excellence, satisfaction with Public Services, and Trust in Governance." 

European Union Politics, 11(2) 289–308 .         

Innovation in teams and individuals

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